What is Crypter?
Crypter is a software used to hide our viruses, keyloggers or tools from antiviruses so that they are not detected by antiviruses. Thus, a crypter is a program that allow users to crypt the source code of their program. Generally, antivirus work by splitting source code of application and then search for certain string within source code. If antivirus detects any certain malicious strings, it either stops scan or deletes the file as virus from system.
What does Crypter do?
Crypter simply assigns hidden values to each individual code within source code. Thus, the source code becomes hidden. Hence, our crypted file becomes UD (undetactable ) or FUD (fully undetectable )
UD means undetected, so only a few antivirus programs detect it. FUD means fully undetected, so no antivirus detects it
UD -Stealth Crypter - Download
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